First of all, it was very hard for me to leave Dialog, for many reasons. It was my first job and the people I met their was, I think fantastic; speically my friends in our department, i.e. Core Network Development Services. In our devision we had 29 and 7 of us had to resign and I don't want to tell you all, the reasons......... I'll just skip it...... Ok.. the rest of the guys gave us a big farewell on the last day, 24th April, and it was heart-breaking for me to leave them. I got my birthday presents form them also, (oh.... by the way, my b'day was on 26th April..... I think I forgot to tell you all....) which I never expected. We had the last dinner with them at Fawas's place (our Manager) before leaving them.......
On previous Wednesday (22nd) we got another farewell. That is from our university friends. Ah...... I can't remember whether I tell you all about them before..... Ok let me tell you now.
From the 1st day at Dialog, I met with some great friends, 2 of them are new and others I knew from University time.... Gayan, who works in my division from peradeniya uni (UOP); Shamal, a friend of Gayan, also from UOP; Rangana, Anuradha and Braveena from our uni. (UOM). 6 of us spent that 10 months time as close friends, where we will remember it for life. They truely are great friends..... I can't explain it in words.... let me quote something which was shown by Gayan extracted from the film "Lord of the rings"
"When you see people do wrong everyday, when you get sick of it, Its really nice to know that there are good people like you. It gives a will to fight for the good. There's good left in this world and its worth fighting for. Whenever you feel down, think about that. You belong in the good lot."
Well, that's how my friends are. They are good, more than good..... So leaving them is hard, very hard. But Gayan, Shamal and me had to leave the others until we meet sometime later. So we had our last party at ExcelWorld. Here are we........
(from left : Gayan, Braveena, Anuradha, me, Rangana and Shamal)
So from next Monday onwards (27th April), I joined Suntel. There I work as an application engineer in the IT division. I hope I'll make some good friends there also. Good luck to me......
Sad that you had to leave Dialog. Wish all the best at Suntel...!
කොහේ ගියත් එලකිරි වගේ වැඩේ කරපන් මචං.... !!!සන්ටෙල් සමග අළුත් ජීවිතයට අපේ උණුසුම් සුභ පැතුම් !!!
wish you all the best machang...
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